High John the Conqueror is a legendary folk hero of Afro-American traditions. He represents freedom, strength, sovereignity and above all cunning. It is believed that by rubbing the root named after him his spirit can be contacted and petitioned for help in different matters concerning the struggle for a better life, love, wealth and good luck in gambling. The root is said to come from a species of Morning Glory (Ipomoea), either Ipomoea jalapa or Ipomoea purga. They are usually round or egg-shaped, of a dark brown color and have a shrivelled surface (because of this they have been compared to the balls of dark-skinned men). The root plays an important roll in many lines of Afro-American folk magic and often greater value is placed on the shape of such root than on its size or weight. When used in spellwork, the root must be whole and sustained with libations of alcohol, anointed with oils or offered tobacco (as if you would be giving these offerings to the actual folk hero).
The roots offered here come from an established American supplier. I have been thinking long whether to take them into the Teufelskunst store and finally decided yes, they definitely belong here too! Some of these I am making into charms wrapped in red silk, together with Devil’s Shoestring root. They can also be bought single by those who wish to make their own charms or use them for magical oils. Sometimes also a pair of two equal looking roots is used. Above is a photo of all High John the Conqueror roots currently available (prices for single roots, root pairs and vials as given).
For ordering write to info@teufelskunst.com
PS: I am still waiting for the photos of the English Easter Yew Wands. I appologize to those who had already reserved one. Photos may come by the end of the month (when the wands have been resurrected from their graves).
April 16, 2013
Posted In: Herbs & Seeds, Ritual
Tags: hoodoo, religion, spirituality, talismans, high john the conqueror root, history