I’ve been asked to share my insights concerning Faust’s Threefold Coercion of Hell. This inspired me to write my first book review for the website:
Dr. Johannes Faust’s Threefold Coercion of Hell, also called Cabalae nigrae, Magiae naturalis et innaturalis – first published in Passau 1505, the present version was published by Scheible, Stuttgart 1849 and republished by Verlag Geheimes Wissen in 2008. Renown for its rich illustrations, the book is essentially a black-magical grimoire dedicated to the advanced kabbalist, who is instructed in the arte of coercing, binding and making obedient the various spirits and demons. The book is also known as The Black Raven, perhaps in reference to its title page, which shows a black corvid inside a circle.
The main motif of the book is the “Harrowing of Hell”, the descent of Christ into hell, which is re-enacted by the practitioner. The spirits, such as Aciel, Anael and the tutelary Mephistophiel/ Mephistophiles, are illustrated in full color and their peculiarities pertaining to their different appearances and modes of calling and commanding are described in detail. In addition are given countless sigils for the spirits and circles, typically colored in black and red (a trademark of this book). The spirits are in fact demons, or fallen angels… read more
At the same time I wish to introduce a new website section for book reviews. I am composing the reviews focussing on the content and cultural context and placing emphasis on the peculiarities of each work. I will also try to provide background info on the author’s, when available. If you have written a review or suggestions for titles to add, please share in the comments or write an e-mail to info@teufelskunst.com and I may link them here.
May 20, 2015
Posted In: Reviews
Tags: books, harrowing of hell, occultism, kabbalah, black magical grimoires, magia naturalis et innaturalis, book reviews, occult publishers, cabalae nigrae, Threefold Coercion of Hell, descensus christi ad inferos, Verlag Geheimes Wissen, Dr. Johannes Faust, esoteric publishers, faust, Fausts Dreifacher Höllenzwang, literature, grimoires