Seed boxes #27-30, completed
The boxes contain seeds from at least 44 different venific and benific ‘witch’ herbs. The boxes are pyrographed with the “sigilum major” or “greater sowing seal”, stained and varnished. Then hundreds of little paper bags are labeled and filled with the seeds, which I partly gather by myself and partly purchase from other places. I usually spend at least 40 hours on four of these boxes. It is a tedious but also rewarding process, which gives me the chance to connect deeper with the herbs and it also empties the mind and brings new inspiration. It is my hope that the content of these boxes will bring joy to others and aid them in their own studies.
Update: the boxes are sold. Please write to me at if you wish to reserve one in the future!
March 9, 2017
Posted In: Herbs & Seeds
Tags: witch herbs, sowing, herbalism, seed boxes, sigilla magica plantarum, wooden seed boxes, witch garden, greater seed sowing seal, sigillum major, pyrography, seeds, sow your own
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