What are “dark” dead and why would one want to work with them in ritual?
Dark dead can refer to anything from the soul of a person that died an untimely or unfortunate death, the wicked soul of someone that has been a criminal in life or hurt other people, or the soul of an insane. These souls may cling to the world of the living, haunt places or thrive on the life energy of people once close to them. They are alternatively also referred to as evil, wicked or restless dead. Various sub-classifications exist (e.g. by cause and mode of death) and it will not be possible to elaborate on all examples for these dark dead, which in past centuries would also include individuals with an “unclean” occupation (e.g. whores or executioners). But this should give an idea, what one would be dealing with.
Most of the time people are subjected to such malign souls involuntarily. Addressing them in ritual, the goal would be to banish the soul and make sure it doesn’t return. Sometimes however, the goal may also be to make the spirit of an unhallowed dead follow one’s command. And some sorcerers (or black magicians) collect such souls to gain power. In the long run this leads to the demise of the sorcerer, who is eventually eaten up by the malign souls, when he or she is no longer able to control and feed them properly. The sorcerer is then likely to become a dark dead themselves, unless intense cleansing and exorcism rituals are performed to save the human.
The incense I offer in this context does not carry any concrete links. It is more meant as a substitute, for those that want to explore this dark field of magic, but without actually having to deal with one of these malign souls. Though it cannot be excluded that its use may open certain roads. But then it’s best to be prepared, for such is the nature of the work. If you want to do dark magic and play with fire, you will have to learn to handle it.
Contains: black copal resin, powdered cinnabar, firethorn, ghost chili powder, guggul resin, ironwood, long pepper, mandrake root, mullein, tobacco, yew needles
August 17, 2017
Tags: black magic, dark dead, evil dead, restless dead, wicked dead, sorcery, nigromancy