Interview with Samuel Araya, illustrator and designer, July 2012
Greetings Samuel! How are you and what have you been up to?
Hello Xonia, I’m doing good! I was just about to start working on a couple of CD covers that I have pending for the first week of August. Also, the morning was freezing cold, a rare thing in these parts, but an auspicious beginning nonetheless.
As an introduction to our readers, please give us a brief description of your work…
I have been working as a professional illustrator for about 10 years now, mostly for gaming companies. I have been doing art for role-playing & board games, as well as some occasional work for video game companies. From time to time I have the luck of collaborating with some bands within the Metal genre. These bands include: Cradle of Filth, Elvenking, Darkmoor, Imbalance, Eye of Judgment and Sabaoth. I have been featured in a couple of annuals, including “Spectrum 13: The Best in Contemporary Fantasy and Sci-fi Art“, “Gothic Art Now“, “Vampire Art Now” and a couple more.
Continue reading Interview with Samuel ArayaJuly 20, 2012
Posted In: Interviews, Art
Tags: arts, decadence, horror, illustration, professional illustrator, sci fi art, video game companies