This incense is dedicated to the celebrations of Beltane and the eve before May Day, when the sun has already gained in strength and now enters into a ceremonial union with the goddess. Announced by the flowering of the hawthorn, this lunar, mid-point / cross-quarter festival marks also the final of the spring festivals.
The old Irish Beltaine is derived from common Celtic belo-te(p)niâ, meaning “bright fire”. Fire is often part of spring and May Day celebrations, e.g. for cleansing (burning) the old and making way for the new or as a simple reference to the return of the sun. The sun god was also known as Bel or Belenos.
Contains mildly oneiric and aphrodisiacal ingredients.
(For a stronger Walpurgisnacht incense blend see the respective listing in my webshop.)
Uses: Mayday celebration, ecstatic dance, creative inspiration, dreamas, love & fertility spells, luck, prosperity, general well being, veneration of beloved spirits, vitality
Tip: Place the incense on a heater for optimal results. The blend may also be heated and added to oils or wax for ritual candles. Use gloves when handling.
Contains: apple wood + flowers, coreander, Baltic amber, benzoin Siam, copal, dammar, frankincense, hawthorn blossoms + leaves, lemon grass, liquorice root, macis, myrtle, violet root, poplar buds and bark, rose petals, sweet carnation, vanilla bean
Scent: warm, sweet, spicy, exotic
Colors: green, white, red, yellow
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