We received in the mail new precious working and crafting materials, amongst which was a huge gift from an English sorcerer: in the center of the package a Giant Poison Hemlock root, about 40 cm, perfect for a central altar piece in the work with the Typhonian Currents or in Rites of the Dark Goddess in Her Strangler-Aspects and Her Succubi.

“The Hemlock is certainly an ophidian sukkubi: coiling around the senses and fogging all reason: a deadly naiad who entices you and whose kiss tightens itself around you to constrict your breath and steal your life away. A beautiful and terrible Queen.”
To the initiated Poison Hemlock is on the other hand also a strong ally in the battle against all archonic suppression. The above roots are availabe for purchase. Prices on demand.

Also available are recently harvested roots of Aconite. The roots are 7-13 cm in length, straight, curled and some forked, for making talismans or usage in powders and potions. Price varies from 5-15 €, depending on root size and shape.

Gallow’s Oak for crafting: fine pieces of mossy-grown Gallow’s Oak wood to be crafted into talismans. The wood is part of a trade with an English practitioner. More to be revealed about this later…

Further fresh Male Fern Root, Mandrake Talismans, Seeds of Poison Hemlock, Mandrake and Poppy and some anorganic ingredients such as Sulfur and Iron Oxide can now also be bought from us.

Latest additions to our Fetish section: Green, Green/Black, Aged Bone and Bloodred Skull-Candles

Coming up next: Interview with Occult Artist VÆNVS OBSCVRA
Teufelskunst Fetish-Candles and Talismans in ‘action’:

Special Thanks to Cyril Helnwein for the terrific pic!

Contact: info@teufelskunst.de
September 17, 2012
Posted In: Herbs & Seeds
Tags: Mandrake, monkshood, Oak, ophidian, poison hemlock, fetishes, poppy, ritual, skull candles, talismans, Vaenus Obscura, witchcraft, Cyril Helnwein, male fern
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