The snow came and went just about the same time as last year. Today has had more snow. Before I post about the new things I’ve been creating for you, I will share here some impressions from my way to work etc.
And how it looked in town…
Things in the works:
+ A new batch of Adramelech incense is completed and can be ordered now! Two blog posts about the different ingredients contained in this blend to follow… + Incense for Thagirion has been added to the store… + Crafted new wooden seed boxes, but yet have to fill them… + Still working on the dark wintry “Isa” incense… More updates to follow soon. +
January 15, 2017
Posted In: News & Site Updates
Tags: new work, river of time, snow, snowfall, snowyfield, winter hedge, winter landscape, winter, winter2017, ice, isa