Occult Art Blog

Mandrake Roots 2018

Returning from 3 weeks of garden work, Teufelskunst is back with a new offer of five Mandragora officinarum roots. The roots you see above will be available for purchase this week. They have shed their leaves and are currently withdrawn to the ground, which gave me the opportunity to study and replant them. Now is also a good time to sell and ship them safely.

The roots are between 12-10 cm in length and weigh between 31-37 gram. Their shapes inspire me to name and make art for them. The offer presented here is again for the live root and a detailed ink study of the same. Note: root and art are shipped separately this time. 

For further details please view the individual listings (going up Wednesday, July 18 2018, 6 pm Central European Summer Time)

July 17, 2018

Posted In: Art, Pflanzenkunst

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Mandrake Roots and Art

This project began earlier in 2016, when parting with a few homegrown live mandrake roots and sending them to new homes. Part of the deal for the new owner was to commission a portrait of the very root they were to receive.

Each root is drawn with ink and quill on stained paper. Attention is paid to the peculiar shape and features of each root. The result are detailed portraits, which are not only unique pieces of fine art but which also give the owner a reference, when the roots are planted back into soil.

Examples of roots that have left my own mandrake family and joined new homes:

Available roots (prices including hand-drawn art, excluding shipping):

For ordering write to info@teufelskunst.com

October 6, 2016

Posted In: Herbs & Seeds, Pflanzenkunst

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