I am pleased to be giving a lecture and hosting a workshop at this year’s Viridis Genii Symposium!
It is only possible thanks to the event being held online again that I am able to participate and share my knowledge. So this is a rare opportunity for people outside of Germany to attend and ask me all the questions that you always wanted to ask me about plants and my art with plants, including my plant sigils.
So what can you expect that will make it worth to purchase tickets?
You will:
- receive a unique workshop kit with powerful magical plants that have been harvested ritually and are already arranged and pressed for you (to be purchased separately for a humble 12 USD fee)
- work creatively in a relaxed and meditative surrounding
- expand your ritual routine and connect collectively to the plant spirits
- get a unique chance to ask me questions about your favorite plants
- at the end you hold a concrete and potentially magical talisman in your hands
In the lecture I will introduce the term “Phytography” and guide you through the history of nature printing, from cave paintings, to medieval herbals, to Leonardo da Vinci, to modern alternative photography, including examples by contemporary artists such as Malin Fabbri and Kristina Feldhammer. We will talk about the “blood” of the plants and their other juices, plant pigments and in how far the coffee based phytographs that we will produce in the workshop can be considered “magical images” of the plants, through the use of sympathetic magic and astrological correspondences.
Tickets: viridisgenii.com
NOTE: The number of workshop participants is limited to 30!
Besides, there is an annual publication accompanying the event. This year’s book features my essay on Phytography, two illustrations and a lucid experience with the guardian of the witch hazel. The book has just arrived fresh from the print and can be ordered now from Rosarium Blends!
Note: deluxe ticket holders will automatically receive a copy.

Preview of the plants that come with the workshop kits – included among others are: thorn-apple, bryony, bindweed, lily-of-the-valley, forget-me-not, periwinkle, ferns, enchanter’s nightshade, barrenwort, wormwood, mugwort, fennel, various spring blossoms such as violets, daffodils, linden leaves, cherry, lilac, elder, hellebores etc. all carefully arranged and ready for use. It’s been a hell of a work… 😉
September 15, 2022
Posted In: Art, News & Site Updates, Pflanzenkunst, Events
Tags: workshop, viridis genii, viridis genii symposium, online workshop, online lecture, phytography, sympathetic magic, plant art, magical plants, events