For those who missed out on the virtual event, you can still order the VGS publication featuring my essay on Phytography (introducing the term) and my encounter with the guardian of the witch hazel, as well as two illustrations by me: https://viridisgenii.com/product/viridis-genii-series-7-vol-2/
My gratitude goes to the organizers Catamara and Marcus as well as the team of people that made it all possible, especially Kim, Katrink and Prof. Porterfield. Huge thanks also to the people that attended and took part in the workshops, especially David. We made it work, despite catching Covid, despite hurricanes and despite all the other obstacles. I am looking forward to the next point in time when the portals open for communing with the genii of the plant kingdom. Below is a summary of my presentation and workshop.

Creating Magical Images of Plants – Combining Phytography and Ritual Magic
1 hour lecture + 3 hour workshop included the following topics:
- methods of ritual magic, sympathetic magic and planetary magic
- indepth information on plant pigments
- short history of nature printing
- alternative photography processes feat. work by Malin Fabbri and Kristina Feldhammer
- Datura wrightii flower at Pinwheel Cave California
- examples of phytographs created with coffee and plants
- workshop guides through the ritual creation of your own magical plant paper talismans
- question & answer on anything plant/ritual related
Workshop materials provided to attendents included:
- ritually harvested, pressed flowers and plants
- absorbent paper
- signed print of the witch hazel seal
Phytographs created during the 3 hour workshop:
- Magnolia, hour of Venus
- Fennel, hour of Mercury
- California Poppy, hour of Mercury + Moon
- Blue Lotus, hour of Moon
- Witch Hazel, hour of Saturn

October 17, 2022
Posted In: Events, Art, Ritual, News & Site Updates
Tags: plant magic, events, workshop, viridis genii, viridis genii symposium, online lecture, phytography