Occult Art Blog

Interview with CM Vaenvs Obscvra, aka Hatred Engine Graphics

I got in touch with CM about a year ago. Since then we exchanged messages, traded art-prints for seeds and figured it would be time for an interview.

Beside art, two topics are of major concern to CM – one are his plants and the other is his cat. Whereby the cat is of the greater importance and he often expresses fear of his cat suffering accidental poisoning via the venific green – the first of a row of conflicts that keep my interview-partner busy.

Hi Cristi. How is your cat doing?

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October 13, 2012

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New in Store: Aconite Roots, Gallow's Oak, Mandrake, Poison Hemlock, Poppy Seeds + Announcing Next Artist Interview

We received in the mail new precious working and crafting materials, amongst which was a huge gift from an English sorcerer: in the center of the package a Giant Poison Hemlock root, about 40 cm, perfect for a central altar piece in the work with the Typhonian Currents or in Rites of the Dark Goddess in Her Strangler-Aspects and Her Succubi.

“The Hemlock is certainly an ophidian sukkubi: coiling around the senses and fogging all reason: a deadly naiad who entices you and whose kiss tightens itself around you to constrict your breath and steal your life away. A beautiful and terrible Queen.”

To the initiated Poison Hemlock is on the other hand also a strong ally in the battle against all archonic suppression. The above roots are availabe for purchase. Prices on demand.


Also available are recently harvested roots of Aconite. The roots are 7-13 cm in length, straight, curled and some forked, for making talismans or usage in powders and potions. Price varies from 5-15 €, depending on root size and shape.


Gallow’s Oak for crafting: fine pieces of mossy-grown Gallow’s Oak wood to be crafted into  talismans. The wood is part of a trade with an English practitioner. More to be revealed about this later…


Further fresh Male Fern Root, Mandrake Talismans, Seeds of Poison Hemlock, Mandrake and Poppy and some anorganic ingredients such as Sulfur and Iron Oxide can now also be bought from us.



Latest additions to our Fetish section: Green, Green/Black, Aged Bone and Bloodred Skull-Candles


Coming up next: Interview with Occult Artist VÆNVS OBSCVRA


Teufelskunst Fetish-Candles and Talismans in ‘action’:


Special Thanks to Cyril Helnwein for the terrific pic!


Contact: info@teufelskunst.de

September 17, 2012

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Interview with Samuel Araya


Interview with Samuel Araya, illustrator and designer, July 2012

Greetings Samuel! How are you and what have you been up to?

Hello Xonia, I’m doing good! I was just about to start working on a couple of CD covers that I have pending for the first week of August. Also, the morning was freezing cold, a rare thing in these parts, but an auspicious beginning nonetheless.

As an introduction to our readers, please give us a brief description of your work…

I have been working as a professional illustrator for about 10 years now, mostly for gaming companies. I have been doing art for role-playing & board games, as well as some occasional work for video game companies. From time to time I have the luck of collaborating with some bands within the Metal genre. These bands include: Cradle of Filth, Elvenking, Darkmoor, Imbalance, Eye of Judgment and Sabaoth. I have been featured in a couple of annuals, including “Spectrum 13: The Best in Contemporary Fantasy and Sci-fi Art“, “Gothic Art Now“, “Vampire Art Now” and a couple more.

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July 20, 2012

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Upcoming Artist Features, Teufelskunst Talismans, Ritual Incense and Custom Skull-Candles

In this journal we present the second batch of our hand-made Talismans, info on updated Website sections as well as photos by customers and friends who have received our Skull-Candles and took snapshots when burning them. We also announce our first Artist Interview!



We are looking forward to our first artist interview with illustrator and designer Samuel Araya. In the interview we will talk about his work and the inspirations behind his dark imagery. We will also have a closer look at three of his paintings, investigate their meaning and receive insights into the process of making them.


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Latin “war-signal”, “war-trumpet”,
also a name of the Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) tree

from the Latin word fascis,
meaning “bundle”

Fasces are a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes summary power and jurisdiction, and/or “strength through unity”.

The idea behind the fasces has inspired us again in the creation of this second batch of handmade Talismans. The Talismans are manufactured in a manner similar to the first five Talismans offered here. The difference to the first series is in their form: whilst the first were atavistic representations of the ghost-like emanations of our craft the new talismans are more human in shape. Both Talismans serve at the same time as Mascots of our Teufelskunst and are only given into the hands of experienced practitioners.

The filling consists again of various hot peppers and herbs (partly poisonous) as well as loadstone powder. The skulls are carved again from the Blackthorn’s wood, each holding a pair of dark-red garnets in their eye-sockets. The talismans are accompanied by seven anointed Blackthorn spines bound together with cleansed red and black thread, forming Bellicum Fasces to be used in attack and defense spellwork. With each talisman comes also a cleansed vial to insert a hand-written spell or pact, one anointed onyx sphere and incense.

The talismans have been manufactured entirely by hand. They carry fluid links to the totemic soul of Crow, Scorpion and Snake, and powdered links to the plant souls of Aconite, Belladonna, Black Nightshade, Henbane, Mandrake, Mugwort, Thorn Apple and Wormwood, mixed with the tears of Myrrh and the wood of the Bellicum tree. Long Pepper, Grains of Paradise and Ghost Chili (Bhut Jolokia) lend their fire to the bodies of the talismans, within their chest beats a small heart-shaped ‘High John the Conqueror root’ and underneath the wooden skull vibrate the powdered remnants of a Human Skullbone.

The incense powder accompanying these talismans consists again of fiery ingredients and should be burnt outdoors only. (The exact formula is given inside the leaflet that comes with the talismans.)

Only seven of these talismans have been crafted and there will not be made more of them.

The price per Talisman set: 53 euro + shipping



The fiery incense for Cleansing and Strengthening one’s focus can also be ordered solitary for 7 euro per 50 gram + shipping.

For the complete list of herbal and floral ingredients visit our updated website section Herbs & Incense. We also have small amounts of classic Witch Ointment Ingredients available. For more info contact us via info@teufelskunst.de




Always in stock are our hand-made Skull-Candles available in different colors, e.g. plain black, red, white or bone-colored as well as two-colored versions, e.g. half black/ half red/ half white/ half green and so on. Each candle is filled with corresponding essences, herbs and powders. The price for one candle is 16 euro + shipping. If you order more than three candles the price per candle is 13 euro + shipping.

(photos by customers and friends)


Contact: info@teufelskunst.de

The first printed catalogue including complete price lists as well as artist interviews and features will be released later this year.

July 13, 2012

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Talismans (Geisterpuppen)

from Arabic طلسم Tilasm
ultimately from Greek telesma or from the Greek word “telein
which means “to initiate into the mysteries”

We are expanding our supply with traditional items used in the sorcerous arts. To begin with we offer five sets, each consisting of one handmade talisman doll that comes together with seven oiled and bound Blackthorn spines, one anointed black onyx stone, one pact-vial and a batch of fiery incense.

Talisman I

The hand-sewn doll is skull-faced, whereby the skull is hand-carved from Blackthorn wood and the eye-sockets hold a pair of red garnets. The body of the doll is filled with Myrrh, Blackthorn, Wormwood, Mandrake, Loadstone, Grains of Paradise, Long Pepper and a small amount of extremely hot Ghost-Chili powder. The work with these dolls began during the past new the moon and is being finalized during this full moon.  Each doll is unique and though simple in form and only 9cm in size, they are perfect to carry as part of different spell-workings and can be put to action within different magical operations. The vial accompanying the doll is new and cleansed. It can be used to place a hand-written spell within or even a blood-signed pact. The doll, once treated as an actual talisman, should be fed twice a month, ideally on the waxing/full moon and the waning/new moon. The offerings can be kept simple.

Note, touching the doll may give you a tangible fiery sensation to the degree as if your hands were burning.  Handle with care!

The incense powder accompanying the doll is also of a fiery nature and should be burnt outdoors and not inhaled directly. Use if you are in need of restoring your aura and to banish tenacious obstacles, sickness, depression or other types of severe restraints.

The price for one talisman doll and extras is 53 Euro + the 5,50 Euro for registered shipping. We are taking orders now, and will ship everything before the coming new moon.


The above talismans are a special offer and are limited in number to only five. Seven additional dolls of the same size are being worked on and they will be offered here in time. There will not be made more of these.

Later we will offer simple dolls for different magical operations and other basic materials for the craft, such as thorns, pins, candles, powders etc.


We still have three of our Seed Collection Box-Sets left! They include seeds from 22 species coming in refillable transparent paper bags. The bags are labeled with the herb’s scientific and common names alongside our Lesser Sowing Seal and are safely contained within a durable cardboard box, together with a hand-bound booklet with easy to look up instructions on how to sow and grow them.

Besides, there will in time be offered more seeds from further relevant species, such as Poison Hemlock and Poppies to add to your existing collections. More info coming soon.

For ordering contact info@teufelskunst.de

March 9, 2012

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Seed Collections Box Set

The first share of gathered seeds from 22 herb species is available for €38 + shipping. The seeds come in refillable transparent paper bags labeled with the herb’s names alongside our Lesser Sowing Seal. They are contained safely in a durable cardboard box together with a hand-bound booklet with easy to look up instructions on how to sow and grow them.

The booklets are made of nature-friendly recycling paper. Once new info becomes available you can get an updated booklet for free and dispose the old one.

Find below the list of available seeds:

I. Daturas

Purple Dhatura (Datura metel var.)
Toloache (Datura innoxia)
Common Thorn Apple (Datura stramonium)
Datura hybrid, ivory flowers

II. Poison Witchherbs

Common Thorn Apple (Datura stramonium)
Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
Blue Monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii)
White Wolfsbane (Aconitum lycoctonum)
Hellebore (Helleborus niger)
Columbine (Aquilegia atrata)

III. Benefic Witchherbs

Rue (Ruta graveolens)
Vervain (Verbena officinalis)
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Dragonshead (Dracocephalum moldavica)
Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium)
Wild Angelica (Archangelica sylvestris)
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)

IV. Mexican Herbs

Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica)
Yauhtli (Tagetes lucida)
Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides)

You can also order single seed bags from us for € 3,00, e.g. to stock up your collections. If you order three or more the price is € 2,00 each.

For orders and reservation write to info@teufelskunst.de

Also please bear in mind that different countries have different laws and conditions on shipping. We charge in any case only the actual fee it costs to ship but we cannot take responsibility if a mailing gets lost or cannot be delivered. If there is doubt please check first the laws of your country.

January 6, 2012

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Closed for Raunächte

Find updated the Herbs & Seeds section with info on Sowing & Growing and lists of herbal and wooden ingredients relevant to our path. Under Art is added a new section Featured Artists. Next the focus is all on the Statues and Fetishes (what we actually specialize in). We will now be offline for the coming 2 weeks. New commission work and orders will be accepted again from 15 January 2012 on.

The Vision Tree, 2009-2011, by X.A.
Fine Art, Photo- and Canvas Prints available on request
Akelarrenlezea, 2011, by Akherra Phasmatanás
The setting of “Akelarrenlezea” shows the Cave of Zugarramurdi located in País Basque, where the infamous “akelarres” were widely celebrated – available for sale    SOLD

December 21, 2011

Posted In: News & Site Updates, Feast Days

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