Occult Art Blog

Winter Break and News

I will be spending time with loved ones and continue on artwork, finishing commissions and preparing the incense blend for the upcoming Raunächte. So long, please have a look in the shop and consider purchasing one of three new paper sigil talismans, which were completed for the winter solstice:

Mullein, Winter Solstice Special ’17, 3 available

The “Mullein” illustration is a newer work in the “Sigilla Magica” series. It was available for the first time during the Samhain Celebration 2017, in Gotha. The illustration shows an anthropomorphic vision of the lovely mullein (Verbascum spp.), which is also known as hag’s taper, aaron’s rod and Königskerze. In the sigil I summarize folklore and personal experiences related to this powerful magical plant. It contains links to the Venusian, Saturnian and martial aspects of the plant, as well as to the various names, by which it is known.

You can now purchase an original ensouled paper talisman with the motif. It is drawn with black India ink on coffee stained paper, which has been infused with extracts of mullein, wormwood and honey. Each paper sigil is signed and dated on the back . The entire talisman measures ca. 9,9 x 21 cm.

You receive one of the original works shown here. There are 3 available as part of my Winter Solstice special and each comes with an incense sample for the Raunächte.

Please note, that each paper talisman is unique and whilst the motif is the same, can have slight variations and differences in texture. The yellow color comes from the mullein’s own flowers.

Winter Solstice Edition 2017 – comes including incense sample – 3 available. For ordering please go here.

December 22, 2017

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Blessed Winter Solstice 2017!

Mullein, Winter Solstice Edition ’17, 3 available

Wishing to all my customers and followers a blessed Winter Solstice and Yule time! The Teufelskunst shop is taking a break from tonight until the 2nd of January. This means, the shop stays online and you can still place orders, but order processing and shipping will be limited. Expect news and updates after the Christmas holidays. Thank you all for the immense support! 🕯🌟☄

The mullein artwork on the photo can be purchased here: https://teufelskunst.com/product/mullein-winter-solstice-17/

December 21, 2017

Posted In: Pflanzenkunst, Art, Feast Days

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Summer Solstice Incense '16 (update)

Summer Solstice Incense '16This incense blend is dedicated to the rituals surrounding the summer solstice, when the sun reaches it’s annual zenith. The ophidian seal adorning the vessels that contain the solstice incense, is inspired by the viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare) herb.

The ingredients for this blend are the herbs and flowers traditionally associated with the summer solstice. The incense blend evokes in particular a vision of a summer meadow at dusk: bushes of blue flowering viper’s bugloss cover the ground and transform into nests of serpents. Plantain, thistle and St. John’s wort grow at its side. Nearby, the fragrant yellow flowers of the evening primrose glow in the evening light and emit their sweet scent into the sweltry air, attracting the most wondrous kind of fairy folks…

Contains: amber, chamomile, copal (white), dammar resin, evening primrose, frankincense (aden), mugwort, mullein, plantain, shed snake skin, St. John’s wort, tansy, blessed thistle, vervain, viper’s bugloss, yarrow

Use this incense blend for cleansing, IMG_0655_web2purification and letting go of the old, for protection, renewal, celebrating the night, inspired dreaming and creativity. The blend can also aid in decision making: cast out the serpent as a symbol of “evil” or embrace it as a symbol of wisdom and become a serpent yourself.

Available options and pricing:

  • 100 ml violet glass jar – 19,80 Euro
  • 50 ml violet glass jar – 12,10 Euro
  • 60 ml brown glass jar – 12,10 Euro
  • 120 ml brown glass jar – 19,80 Euro

Order this blend via e-mail and from my etsy shop

Update: In the previous message the title image and some links were not working. These have been fixed now. Thanks for reading and have a blessed solstice!

June 16, 2016

Posted In: Feast Days, Ritual, Incense

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