Occult Art Blog

Site Launch and New Creations

This special incense blend has been nearly as long in the making as the work on this new website and web shop. Me and a dear friend, spent the past 3 months on building and bringing this baby to you. We have been testing, we have been despairing, we have been trying again and working hard to make everything work. All the invisible background work, that is noticed only when it is not done…

And yet it all serves one purpose: making available to you in a more convenient way my occult art, which you have been knowing me for since the past 9 years and which thus far could only be ordered via e-mail. It is thus with great relief and joy that this new website launches.

I invite you thus to visit the blog and shop. You will find all the old blog posts are there. And you will find new, easily accessible shop categories. By registering an account you can add items of your choice to your personal shopping cart. Or add all your favorite creations to the wishlist and then select those you wish to purchase. Checkout is easy and fast with PayPal.

Some of the categories are still empty or have only one single item listed. This will change during the coming weeks. For now the focus has been on incense creations, the mandrake project and a new category entitled “Sigilla Magica”. In the next post I will say more about this. For now lets focus on my most recent creation: the ‘Dog Days’ incense.

As the name suggests, the incense is inspired by the “dog days” – the long hot days of summer. It is made mainly from baneful herbs gathered from my own garden and surroundings. The black sacra frankincense from Oman lends the blend a deep resinous, almost medicinal aroma. This incense blend is in a way, a true “fuck off” blend and an answer to other people’s negativity. It does not smell nice or pleasant, rather bitter – like a bitter medicine. Yet it has something addictive about it; think of the smell of on a fresh oil painting or the scent in an artist’s atelier.

Btw. the incense blend can be used during any time of the year, not only during the actual dog days. The rare herbs contained therein carry baneful as well as empowering properties, and can be applied in various contexts, e.g. also for referencing the first dead in ritual. It is thus an incense for Abel and the able.

Available now –  I made ca. 1,5 liter. When it’s sold out it will not be available again until the coming year.

Uses: banishing, exorcism, counter-magic, self-empowerment

Contains: bittersweet nightshade, black henbane, black nightshade, mandrake root and leaf, spear thistle, thornapple, wolfsbane, wormwood, black sacra frankincense, dark myrrh resin

Scent: bitter, tart, resinous

Warning: Contains several venific herbs. Not for beginners. 

August 26, 2017

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Dark Dead Incense

What are “dark” dead and why would one want to work with them in ritual?

Dark dead can refer to anything from the soul of a person that died an untimely or unfortunate death, the wicked soul of someone that has been a criminal in life or hurt other people, or the soul of an insane. These souls may cling to the world of the living, haunt places or thrive on the life energy of people once close to them. They are alternatively also referred to as evil, wicked or restless dead. Various sub-classifications exist (e.g. by cause and mode of death) and it will not be possible to elaborate on all examples for these dark dead, which in past centuries would also include individuals with an “unclean” occupation (e.g. whores or executioners). But this should give an idea, what one would be dealing with.

Most of the time people are subjected to such malign souls involuntarily. Addressing them in ritual, the goal would be to banish the soul and make sure it doesn’t return. Sometimes however, the goal may also be to make the spirit of an unhallowed dead follow one’s command. And some sorcerers (or black magicians) collect such souls to gain power. In the long run this leads to the demise of the sorcerer, who is eventually eaten up by the malign souls, when he or she is no longer able to control and feed them properly. The sorcerer is then likely to become a dark dead themselves, unless intense cleansing and exorcism rituals are performed to save the human.

The incense I offer in this context does not carry any concrete links. It is more meant as a substitute, for those that want to explore this dark field of magic, but without actually having to deal with one of these malign souls. Though it cannot be excluded that its use may open certain roads. But then it’s best to be prepared, for such is the nature of the work. If you want to do dark magic and play with fire, you will have to learn to handle it.

Contains: black copal resin, powdered cinnabar, firethorn, ghost chili powder, guggul resin, ironwood, long pepper, mandrake root, mullein, tobacco, yew needles


August 17, 2017

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Harvest Blessing October 2016

Harvest Blessing Oct. 2016

For the past weeks (and with interruption due to sickness), I have been working meticulously on the set-up for ritually blessing this year’s harvest. Of course it is not possible to pile up all the herbs and seeds gathered over the year. So instead I created a new, dynamic working sigil, which can be adopted and rearranged for different needs. In my own ritual the sigil is constructed from different plant parts and seeds, each corresponding with one of the four elements and esoteric symbolism. I.e. the sickles are made out of fennel stalks and vervain herb. For the stang in the center was used a thorn-apple stalk with pods and thornapple leaf and seed for the triangle symbolizing the spirit housed within the green. Of course you could use other herbs, real sickles, or simply trace the lines in the soil.

My offerings given to the spirits included self-gathered pine tree resin, Samhain protection incense, four beeswax candles, water and rum. The operation can be performed in silent contemplation or you call upon specific crossroad spirits and deities of your tradition. When done, all parts of the sigil can be gathered and employed to different sorcerous ends. Important is, if the ritual is dedicated to a certain spirit or deity you should stick with it.

Now I mentioned this was a dynamic sigil. As you can see in the above picture, the ritual aimed at blessing objects (in this case my seed boxes), which are placed inside the blades of the four sickles. A different ritual setting would consist of placing links to the four elements inside the sickles, e.g. offerings corresponding to each or your main altar tools. The point is, that you can construct and arrange the set-up in different ways suiting your needs. Now here are a few suggestions how to go about it:

Recently someone pointed out that the placement of the four elements inside my sigil was “wrong”. He was reasoning from the viewpoint of Western Mystery Tradition / Tarot. Well, as you can see there are different versions that all can be worked with. It is entirely up to you if you want to employ a tradition-specific succession and which you chose. Important is, if you do, that you contemplate and know why you chose one option over another.

Btw. I am looking forward to use the earth-bound altar again. It was altogether a very powerful experience employing sorcerous herbs and soil in this way.

PS: Please remember, I will process any new orders by the 2nd week of November. Until then I am preparing for my stall and exhibition at the Samhain Celebration on November 4th in Gotha (Germany).

October 21, 2016

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Mandrake Roots and Art

This project began earlier in 2016, when parting with a few homegrown live mandrake roots and sending them to new homes. Part of the deal for the new owner was to commission a portrait of the very root they were to receive.

Each root is drawn with ink and quill on stained paper. Attention is paid to the peculiar shape and features of each root. The result are detailed portraits, which are not only unique pieces of fine art but which also give the owner a reference, when the roots are planted back into soil.

Examples of roots that have left my own mandrake family and joined new homes:

Available roots (prices including hand-drawn art, excluding shipping):

For ordering write to info@teufelskunst.com

October 6, 2016

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Wooden Seed Boxes, Autumn Equinox 2016

The seeds have been gathered and new wooden seed boxes are nearing completion. With joy I offer again this treat for the tenders of sorcerous gardens, just in time for the autumnal equinox. Below is a preview of the boxes:

Available are boxes #23-26. They will contain again a fertile mix of seeds from various benific and venific herbs. Four boxes are available, three of which are already reserved. For those that will not receive one this time, I plan to craft a few more until Samhain. If you want to make sure to get your hands on one, then I recommend placing a reservation now.

For ordering and reservations please e-mail me at info@teufelskunst.com

September 13, 2016

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This section of our website has been dead for too long and it is with joy that we finally present you our first pair of magical Wands. The two wands we begin with are quite different from each other, due to their origin and character. Both are hand-crafted from wood we have harvested by ourself on special occasions and are part of a row different wands we are currently working on. Please read the descriptions for each and if you find one these would resonate with yourself and your work you can get in touch via  info@teufelskunst.com and we sort out the details concerning payment and shipping.

Rowan Wand for the Urban Witch

The wand has three points and receives its character for once from its origin and secondly from a rich dark pattern caused by age and environmental influences. It was harvested from a solitary Rowan tree, which stood strong admidst a gathering of beton at a large traffic intersection in town. From its location the tree’s spirit could observe the fast moving nature of city life and radical changes in history and culture, yet it ever remained there as a silent observer, untouched and unmoved by the happenings around it, a symbol of strength and souvereignity, which would shine in deep green and bright red colors within an otherwise gray scenery. Another interesting aspect of this wand is its two-sided nature arising from its distinctive pattern and coloring: the bottom side is of a darker hue and has a rich pattern whilst the top is of a light-yellow color. The wand could be viewed as unifying opposites of light and dark, positive and negative, active and passive in a single magical weapon. The whirls and banding remind of olive wood, but with a red hue. The wand has a very smooth surface (in harmony with the royal nature of this wood) and has been oiled with almond oil, which brought out the wonderful dark pattern even more. The photos actually do not do it justice. The wand measures 43 cm (17”) in length and the handle is 2,2 cm (0,9”) in diameter. It feels wonderful to hold and is a pleasure for the tactile senses. Possible applications would be healing and protection magic, wisdom work, contacting the ancestral spirit world (particularly for those who lived an urban live) and meditation. Due to its origin it bears also associations with urban history, culture and theatres. Origin: Dresden

Price: 49 EUR


Pyracantha Snake Wand

pyracantha – thorny shrub of the apple family, from Modern Latin genus name Pyracantha, from Greek pyrakantha (Dioscorides), from pyr– “fire” + akantha “thorn, thorny plant,” from the root ak– “sharp, pointed”

The Wand is crafted from Firethorn wood, resembling the shape of a snake, and has been oiled with almond oil. It measures 45 cm in length and the handle ca. 2 cm in diameter. It is a small, handsome, inconspicuous, elegant piece, which was harvested from a special location. Due to its origin it bears invisible connections to the realm of the Dead. It is an overall benific wand, not fundamentally inimical but certainly fiery and spirited in character, which possesses also the power to bolster a curse and unleash a blazing attack against an enemy, when it is needed. It would fit to a bantam and vivacious person, and would be applied foremost in protection and/or defense spellwork, magic involving the element fire, heating up a spell and would constitute a lovely fetish in the hands of fire, serpent and thorn fetishists. In inverse magic the wand could also aid in cooling and taming the spirits, particularly when a situation has become too heated up. As with any magical tool, the outcome of the spell is in the operator’s hands and depends on how the tools are utilized. There are no guarantees.

The wand is available for purchase together with a powder consisting of the wooden dust left from crafting, dried firethorn berries, thorns and leaves.

Price: 49 EUR


September 17, 2013

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Upcoming Artist Features, Teufelskunst Talismans, Ritual Incense and Custom Skull-Candles

In this journal we present the second batch of our hand-made Talismans, info on updated Website sections as well as photos by customers and friends who have received our Skull-Candles and took snapshots when burning them. We also announce our first Artist Interview!



We are looking forward to our first artist interview with illustrator and designer Samuel Araya. In the interview we will talk about his work and the inspirations behind his dark imagery. We will also have a closer look at three of his paintings, investigate their meaning and receive insights into the process of making them.


Artist Blogsite

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Latin “war-signal”, “war-trumpet”,
also a name of the Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) tree

from the Latin word fascis,
meaning “bundle”

Fasces are a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes summary power and jurisdiction, and/or “strength through unity”.

The idea behind the fasces has inspired us again in the creation of this second batch of handmade Talismans. The Talismans are manufactured in a manner similar to the first five Talismans offered here. The difference to the first series is in their form: whilst the first were atavistic representations of the ghost-like emanations of our craft the new talismans are more human in shape. Both Talismans serve at the same time as Mascots of our Teufelskunst and are only given into the hands of experienced practitioners.

The filling consists again of various hot peppers and herbs (partly poisonous) as well as loadstone powder. The skulls are carved again from the Blackthorn’s wood, each holding a pair of dark-red garnets in their eye-sockets. The talismans are accompanied by seven anointed Blackthorn spines bound together with cleansed red and black thread, forming Bellicum Fasces to be used in attack and defense spellwork. With each talisman comes also a cleansed vial to insert a hand-written spell or pact, one anointed onyx sphere and incense.

The talismans have been manufactured entirely by hand. They carry fluid links to the totemic soul of Crow, Scorpion and Snake, and powdered links to the plant souls of Aconite, Belladonna, Black Nightshade, Henbane, Mandrake, Mugwort, Thorn Apple and Wormwood, mixed with the tears of Myrrh and the wood of the Bellicum tree. Long Pepper, Grains of Paradise and Ghost Chili (Bhut Jolokia) lend their fire to the bodies of the talismans, within their chest beats a small heart-shaped ‘High John the Conqueror root’ and underneath the wooden skull vibrate the powdered remnants of a Human Skullbone.

The incense powder accompanying these talismans consists again of fiery ingredients and should be burnt outdoors only. (The exact formula is given inside the leaflet that comes with the talismans.)

Only seven of these talismans have been crafted and there will not be made more of them.

The price per Talisman set: 53 euro + shipping



The fiery incense for Cleansing and Strengthening one’s focus can also be ordered solitary for 7 euro per 50 gram + shipping.

For the complete list of herbal and floral ingredients visit our updated website section Herbs & Incense. We also have small amounts of classic Witch Ointment Ingredients available. For more info contact us via info@teufelskunst.de




Always in stock are our hand-made Skull-Candles available in different colors, e.g. plain black, red, white or bone-colored as well as two-colored versions, e.g. half black/ half red/ half white/ half green and so on. Each candle is filled with corresponding essences, herbs and powders. The price for one candle is 16 euro + shipping. If you order more than three candles the price per candle is 13 euro + shipping.

(photos by customers and friends)


Contact: info@teufelskunst.de

The first printed catalogue including complete price lists as well as artist interviews and features will be released later this year.

July 13, 2012

Posted In: News & Site Updates, Herbs & Seeds

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